New research published in Sexuality & Culture reveals a strong link between infidelity and a higher likelihood of committing sexual crimes among male celebrities. The study, influenced by the sexual frustration theory, indicates that unresolved sexual tensions, coupled with fame...
New research provides evidence that grandiose and vulnerable narcissism play different roles in shaping attitudes toward infidelity within couples. In particular, women's favorability towards infidelity was found to be tied to their own grandiose and vulnerable narcissism and their partner's...
A study conducted on users of Ashley Madison, a dating website geared towards facilitating affairs, found that low quality of the relationship with the primary partner was not a major driver of infidelity and infidelity did not predict decreases in...
A recent study published in Frontiers in Psychology sought to unravel how individual behaviors and beliefs about marriage are related to marital financial deception and extramarital affairs. The study provides evidence that moral commitment, personal dedication, and engaging in flirtatious...
A 12-year study in Germany reported that infidelity in a romantic relationship is preceded (but not followed) by a period during which the well-being of partners in the relationship and the functioning of the relationship is gradually decreasing. This was...
This research is the first to show that interacting with a virtual agent promotes real-world relationships. A virtual relationship threat—one that by definition could not be acted on— allows people to contemplate resistance to real attractive alternatives. The resulting protective reaction...
A study in the United Kingdom explored the relationship between Dark Triad personality and what one considers infidelity in exclusive romantic relationships. Results showed that persons high in psychopathy were more likely to perceive fantasizing about sexual relations with other...
New research sheds light on how audiences rely on romantic beliefs to evaluate infidelity committed by their favorite celebrities. The findings, published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media, provide insight into the nature of the relationship between romantic beliefs...
New research deepens our understanding of how couples can maintain stable and satisfying relationships in the face of appealing alternative partners.
A new study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior reveals the relationship between jealousy, the gender of both the partner and their rival, and the type of infidelity (sexual vs. emotional). The study included a large group of individuals...
New findings, published in The Journal of Sex Research, suggest infidelity is not simply intercourse outside of a relationship. Infidelity is a complex topic, often determined through context and compounding behaviors.
Overall, the research indicates that environments in which infidelity is common may provide the justification for abandoning long-term priorities of relationship maintenance in favor of pursuing tempting alternatives.
The research published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships examines the thought processes that provide solace to perpetrators of infidelity. The study provides new information about how men who cheat on their partner frame their experience to reduce...
Having a partner with a ‘dark personality’ can put you at higher risk of suffering repeated infidelity, a study published in the Acta Psychologica journal reveals.
New research provides evidence that culture can moderate women's reactions to infidelity with opposite-sex and same-sex partners. The study, published in the journal Human Nature, compared women's reactions to heterosexual and homosexual infidelity in Canada, Samoa, and among the Istmo...