Researchers found that increasing hippocampal neurogenesis through interventions like exercise weakened trauma memories and reduced PTSD-like symptoms in mice, suggesting a potential mechanism for alleviating PTSD in humans, though further research is needed.
A recent study found a link between secure attachment and lower PTSD symptoms, while insecure attachment correlated with higher symptoms. These findings emphasize the potential importance of attachment styles in understanding responses to childhood trauma.
A meta-analysis found that yoga interventions, particularly trauma-sensitive, Kundalini, Satyananda, and Holistic Yoga, reduce self-reported PTSD and depression symptoms.
A study found that ketamine, which causes dissociation, did not increase emotional suppression in PTSD patients. Instead, it decreased brain connectivity involved in emotion regulation.
A single, guided session with the video game Tetris reduced distressing intrusive memories in healthcare workers, with effects lasting up to six months, suggesting a simple, accessible intervention could alleviate trauma symptoms in high-stress populations.
A recent study identified a brain circuit linked to PTSD in veterans and showed that reducing connectivity via transcranial magnetic stimulation correlated with PTSD symptom improvement.
Children who experienced trauma had stronger fear responses to threats, which was linked to increased PTSD symptoms over time. Trauma, not deprivation, affected how they learned to respond to fear.
Researchers found that individuals with PTSD exhibit lower oxytocin and higher vasopressin levels compared to non-traumatized groups. This hormonal imbalance, particularly the vasopressin-to-oxytocin ratio, could serve as a key indicator of PTSD.
A study found that women who developed PTSD after sexual assault showed different brain activity patterns shortly after the trauma, with reduced connectivity in key brain regions compared to those who did not develop the disorder.
A large-scale study has found that women have a higher genetic risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder, while unique life experiences also play a key role in developing the disorder.
Researchers found that targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex with low-frequency magnetic stimulation can disrupt the consolidation of traumatic memories, potentially offering a new treatment for anxiety and PTSD by preventing the persistence of fear-related responses.
Researchers found that reactivating therapy-modified memories during sleep led to brain changes associated with memory processing, resulting in reduced PTSD symptoms, particularly in avoidance behaviors.
Researchers found that cannabidiol (CBD) significantly reduces PTSD-like symptoms in mice by decreasing brain inflammation through activation of CB2 receptors, suggesting potential new treatments for PTSD by targeting neuroinflammation.
For many combat veterans and trauma survivors, the Fourth of July's fireworks are a distressing ordeal, triggering symptoms of PTSD and anxiety.
Romantic breakups can be potentially traumatic events for emerging adults, triggering symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder.