Aggression disorder linked to greater risk of substance abuse
People with intermittent explosive disorder (IED)--a condition marked by frequent physical or verbal outbursts--are at five times greater risk for...
Read moreDetailsPeople with intermittent explosive disorder (IED)--a condition marked by frequent physical or verbal outbursts--are at five times greater risk for...
Read moreDetailsThe theory of evolution by natural selection is one of several examples of societal disputes that center on the validity...
Read moreDetailsSeveral anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and specific phobias, share a common underlying trait: increased sensitivity to...
Read moreDetailsCommunity characteristics play an important role in perpetuating teen suicide clusters and thwarting prevention efforts, according to a new study...
Read moreDetailsExperience in trading changes how the human brain evaluates the sale of goods, muting a well-established economic bias known as...
Read moreDetailsIn the campy 1966 science fiction movie "Fantastic Voyage," scientists miniaturize a submarine with themselves inside and travel through the...
Read moreDetailsAn innovative collaboration between neuroscientists and developmental psychologists that investigated how infants' brains process other people's action provides the first...
Read moreDetailsWisdom is often linked with age, but not all elders are wise. So, what makes a person wise? A new...
Read moreDetailsMany families believe religion plays an essential role in childhood moral development. But children of religious parents may not be...
Read moreDetailsAdding math talk to story time at home is a winning equation for children's math achievement, according to new research...
Read moreDetailsLiquid crystals are familiar to most of us as the somewhat humdrum stuff used to make computer displays and TVs....
Read moreDetailsBabies' neural responses to morally charged scenarios are influenced by their parents' attitudes toward justice, new research from the University...
Read moreDetailsIf you're a musician, this sounds too good to be true: University of Chicago psychologists have been able to train...
Read moreDetailsYoung children who hear more than one language spoken at home become better communicators, a new study from University of...
Read moreDetailsUniversity of Chicago developmental neuroscientists have found specific brain markers that predict generosity in children. Those neural markers appear to...
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